Hi guys!
The weather in Ithaca went from 30 degrees –> 70 –> back to 30 in span of 72 hours. I took advantage of the nice weather and took some pictures and spent a part of the day outside!
Today, I’m partnering with NatureBox to bring you some great snacks free from artificial flavors and sweeteners. It can be so hard to snack healthy and it’s especially hard to stay away from all the processed foods surrounding us. NatureBox makes it easy to check out what ingredients they use and why they do along with the nutritional facts, making healthy decisions the easy ones. NatureBox also works as a subscription snack service, delivering at regular intervals, along with being a on-demand ordering place.
The white cheddar caramel popcorn was definitely my favorite!
Look at how cute these dried pineapple rings are, not to mention how delicious!
Enter the contest to win free lifetime membership, free shipping on your first order, and $50 credit!
Even if you don’t win, get 50% off your first box (new members, up to $15) here with no code required!